If you have noticed this too, one new thing you may want to
try is the felt cloth pots. I have and
continue to use these cloth pots. The
idea is the gnats cannot get through the cloth at the bottom. One warning,
I have noticed the cloth pots, since they are cloth can be flimsy. I use the ½, 1 and 2 gallon sizes. I have used the three gallon size, but it
would not hold its shape too well so that
whenever I watered it, some water would drip out THROUGH the felt cloth over the tray below. I
ended up transplanting the banana tree in the 3 gallon cloth pot into a larger
hard plastic pot. I recommend trying some
non-chemical solutions to dealing with soil gnats, I have listed chemical waysto treat soil gnats in my previous post.
Good Growing,
Dr. E.R. Myers